Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Books..Not just for reading..

People assume that they are just for reading.
Today's list is-

Books are great! Why you ask?

1)Used as a blindfold. If you do not want anyone to disturb you, open the book and put it over your eyes. No one will suspects a thing!

2)Never put your book in your bag. That way, if someone ever steals your bag, throw your book at the fella. The fella will surely K.O. (Depends on the book you throw at him. If you throw a story book, he might have a slight headache. However, if you throw a dictionary at him, he might be in a comma and wont be waking up for a long, long time).

3)Acts as a portable fan! And you don't even need to waste money on batteries! All you have to do is open and close the book repeatedly. You should feel some wind soon.


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