Friday, February 27, 2009

My condolences.

Today, I had to skip recess for flying squad duties.(Also known as a bounty hunter for mosquitoes.Seriously.)
I left half a sandwich and a tin of drink which resembles 100 plus.(Its called H TWO OOH....get it??lol)
So I left it on the canteen table.
I put the sandwich in my friends lunch box because I thought it would be safer.
And I put the canned drink I bought on her lunch box.
Before you doze off because you feel that this post is boring, please don't. Interesting part coming soon.haha.
Anyway, after doing my duties I returned to the canteen only to find that not only did my canned drink vanish, but my friends lunch box also vanished!
Seconds later we were making a scene in the middle of the canteen.( If you lost something wouldn't you be causing a scene?)
Someone who overheard told us something that we couldn't believe happened.
Are you ready for this one?
Hold on, I'll give you a second to clear your thoughts.
There are over a thousand people in my school and the monkeys chose to declare war with my food and my friends poor lunch box.
My condolences to my friends lunch box.
I'm gonna miss that cute purple little Tupperware she brings everyday.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

NOTE:Expand your imagination before reading.

What's this?
Why post a boring pic of clouds?
Because I have something to say about it.
Imagine living in these clouds.(Which is actually right outside my house)
Time for another list.
Pros and Cons of living in clouds.

1)No worries
2)The ability to float if there wasn't such a thing as gravity.
3)A great place for anti-social people . There wouldn't be anyone around to annoy us.
4)We could do anything we want! Scream, shout, go crazy on purpose.

1)No entertainment. Only source of entertainment? Watching birds chirp and peck us to death.
2) Would die instantly because clouds aren't solid. If a helicopter drops you on the cloud, you would be going right down on land again with a very new look. (Body drenched in a red substance. I'm sure I don't have to explain this.)
3)First person to have skin cancer due to the thinning of the ozone layer. Ultraviolet Rays means gone case.
4)with the drastic change in technology, who knows who or what might be looking at us. Am I right?
5)Its impossible to live on clouds! This is a major con! Seriously, it really is impossible.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Red and something something.

Remember the Twilight season?
Almost everywhere we looked there would be a copy of Stephenie Meyers, Twilight.
It then progressed to the Rubik's season.
Everywhere we looked, there would be someone twisting and turning a colourful cube.
Guilty as charged, I was one of those fanatics.
Everyone either had the 3x3 cube or the 2x2 cube.
Change, progress, has occurred.
From 9 pieces a side to 16 pieces a side.
Rubik's Revenge 4x4!
Sadly, I'm still trying to figure it out due to lack of time.
(Homework, sports, the same excuses all of us always come up with)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

WANTED:Conical Flask. REWARD:Complete Plant Analysis

Based on the title, I'm sure you know that a conical flask has gone missing.
In the lab, a conical flask with a balsam plant in it was passed around.
Pass, pass, pass.
Then someone asked where's the conical flask?
Two flasks were passed around and only one returned from the grasp of us crazy teens.
How could a conical flask go missing?
I just don't get it!
While the room was filled with whispers and people questioning the disappearance of the conical flask, the flask reappeared!
What just happened?
The second flask just reappeared.
Any logical explanation?
Well, every explanation we come up with is related to Science.
Some people are still on a picket fence.
A cross between Science and Magic.
But in this case, I'm not too sure about what really happened.
I'm just happy we got the second flask back.
Now I can carry on with the plant analysis .(I'm such a nerd. I'm excited about plants!)
As the title says-REWARD:Complete Plant Analysis.
Do good things, good things happen. Karma.
Find the flask, complete experiments.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Why the sign then?

I entered a shop yesterday.
There was clearly a sign which says,


That's a normal thing in shops right?
Almost every shop we pass by or enter puts up a no smoking sign.
As I was browsing, I noticed a little triangle container.
And I thought 'hey, that looks like an ash tray!'
But it was impossible.
An ash tray in a shop that doesn't allow smoking?
Then, I went to take a closer look.
I not only saw an ash tray, but I saw one filled with cigarette buds.
The reason for this post?
Why put up signs we don't mean.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

It is the end.

Please do not have thoughts of asteroids and molten lava.
Ignore the title which sort of states that the world is coming to an end.
Well, as I am writing now and as you are reading, our world has not come to an end.
If something really did happen, this post wouldn't have been posted and you wouldn't be even reading these words.
Confusing you, am I?
Sorry, I apologize for my inconsideration, moving on.
It is the end of what, you ask?
A foul four letter word that everyone prefers not to hear because it is so nasty and vile.
Scared you a bit didn't I?

Monday, February 16, 2009


For a week.
Due to what?
I shall return on Thursday.
So long for now.
Its gonna be a long night ahead.
It will be over.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mo or Mom? Fill in the blanks wont you?

Please refer to the picture below.

Observe the writing on the shirt.
Ignore the kid.
Sorry, just kidding.
As you could see it says I love MO.
It was suppose to say I love MOM.
I'm not too sure where the last M went.
But who cares! It is a great contribution to my blog!
So, I decided to come up with words starting with MO.
Just imagine the shirt saying these words.

I love Moe.(The bartender from the Simpson's)
I love mould.
I love mops.
I love mooks.(The clothing store)
I love moss.
I love mourning.(Please note that it is not the same as morning)
I love moths.(Unusual but okaayyy)
I love mote.(Dust)
I love motels.
I love morons.
I love mortar.(Mixture of cements)
I love morn.(Now this is morning)
I love moping.(Please note again, this is not the same as mopping floors!)
I love moo. (Don't tell me you don't get this.haha.)
I love moose.
I love monkeys.
I love monoxide.(Wanna die is it?)
I love money.(The simplest and best of all)
I love monopoly.(I mean who doesn't? Right.)
I love molecules.(A shirt for aspiring scientists)
I love mobs.( For those who love a good fight)
I love mo. ( Back to the beginning. Just plain old Mo)
I have solved the case of the missing last letter.
The M less Mom.
At lease we now know that there are so many more options.
Ever miss an M?
Not to worry.
Just look here.

I thank and thank and thank.

For what?
Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars.
I can finally go beyond PS2.
GTA is finally coming to DS!
Thank you Nintendo.
Thank you thank you!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

100th post.

I cant believe I did it.
Something that I never thought was possible.
This is my 100th POST!!!!
Thank you to everyone out there for reading.
Btw, if anyone would like to view my older post, please refer to the .Blast from the Past. column.

continuimrebel. Have been writing like this 100 times.

Stranded.What do we do next?

Stranded anyone?
Whether its a desert or an island no bigger than your house.
What do we do if we're stranded on an island/desert?

1)Since we would probably be stuck there for a long time, counting every grain of sand on that desert/island shouldn't hurt am I right?

2)Make jewelry out of coconut leaves and tree branches and sell them. But I'm sorry to say that no one else would be on that island with you. (Refer to the term stranded) So don't get too upset if you wouldn't receive any business.

3)Prevent yourself from going crazy/psych0! This happens all the time. Create a new sport with coconuts or something! I dunno! Persevere, persevere, persevere. That's all I can say.

4)Make sand sculptures of the people back home so you wont get too lonely. I mean look at it this way, you probably wouldn't be able to see them ever again. So you might as well have a decent substitute.(I'm so evil!)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Battle of the Pen Drives.

Another tech post.
This time on Pen Drives.
I recently got one after my dad abducted my other one.
The last time I bought a pen drive was in 2006.
Three years later, I was shocked to see the prices.
2006 v.s. 2009.
2006, I bought a 1GB pen drive for RM79.
2009, I bought a S.L.I.Q 2GB for RM19.
And I bought a envo 4GB for RM39.

Left L.E Envo 4GB
Right S.L.I.Q 2GB

L.E Envo 4GB at only RM39

S.L.I.Q 2GB at only RM19.

In three years, lots of things have changed.
Imagine in another three years.
What would happen?
Technology is moving like hyper speed.
As soon as someone buys a DS Lite, a DSI is born.
Then a PSP 3000.
A Sony camera with a built in web browser!
First DVD then Blu Ray Disks.
From bulky digital cams to 15mm digital cams!
What else can we expect?
One and only one answer.
Much, much more.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Clean your room! Why should I???

A word everyone wishes that they never have to face.
Come on people.
We don't have a choice.
Since I have not done my lists in a long time, I decided this was a good time.
So today's list is....
Why should I clean my room?

1)To make sure you don't have a new species of fungus's breeding in your room. If you keep it there long enough it'll be mutated and I'm sure no one wants that.

2)Everyone knows this one. Prevent parents from screaming so loud that even the next neighbours could hear.

3)To find clothes that have been missing for months.

4)Discover new species' of animals/insects such as the cockamouse(cockroach and mouse. Imagine a mouse with antennas.)and the lizamoth(Lizard or also known as cicak and a moth. Imagine a flying cicak).

5)Save thousands! Instead of a dog or a cat, catch a cockroach or a lizard etc. and keep it as a pet. Anytime you feel its hungry set it free. If it doesn't come back (I'm sure it wont) then just get a new one. Our rooms have an endless supply of cockroaches and lizards.

6)A very high chance of finding money. Some might be lucky and others not so. Sometimes all I could find are 10 cent coins! WHY! But then again, if I'm lucky I get RM5! Hehehehe....

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Off with their heads!

Look down here.
A store chopped off little babies' heads and put them into colourful pots.
And I thought Hitler was cruel.
A bit violent for a children's clothing store don't you think?

Where is the pot of gold?

There is a rainbow somewhere in the horizon.(Which happens to be in front of my house)

I look at it and wonder.

Shouldn't there be a pot of leprechaun gold at the end?

Yeah, Ive been dreaming too much. ( Too much Underworld 3 dreams)

Till I have believed that there is a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow.

Please do yourself a favour and ignore this post.(haha)

Its just a random thought.( A verrryyy random thought)

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