Thursday, December 8, 2011

An infinite pool of berry-rific proportions

Let take ourselves on a journey into a land of absolute berry-rific delight,
Imagine shrinking your current enlarged figure into a mere 7.5 centimeter tall figurine,
Now, let us dive into the picture I took,
Let us dive and sink into the fine pores of thick and lusciously silky circular sacs of juice surrounding the blackberries,
Lets press our cheeks against the relatively tough exterior of the blood red cherries yet embrace its delicate flesh contained in it,
We shall even watch and feel endless gleams in our beady irises as our now miniature feet punctures a hole of natural sweetness in the pale insides of a blue berry,
Who said that being short or tiny was a bad thing?
We may be luckier than anyone else for having such traits.
Imagine if we were small, really small.
We'll be able to witness life's majestic beauty that no one else would be able to.
So, if anyone else tells you that you're short and tiny, don't you ever believe what they say.
Each and everyone of us are able to do something with what has already been available to us.
It just takes that little extra spark for us to be creative and think a little out of this world to come up with the ultimate end product that could thrust us further and further into a life of infinite joyous proportions.
So readers, believe in what you think is right, and again, stay optimistic.


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