Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Wait, wait.
Im not talking about a Breaking Benjamin Album.
Im talking about the real thing.
Everything stated here is real.
I am not making this stuff up.
These are called exotic phobias.

Ailurophobia-Fear of cats

No wonder people are afraid of cats.

Arachibutyrophobia-Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth.
This baby doesn't seem to be afraid.

Belonophobia-Fear of pins and needles
Erythrophobia-Fear of blushing
Haphephobia-Fear of being touched
Pnigophobia-Fear of choking
Scopophobia-Fear of being stared at.
Taphophobia-Fear of being buried alive
Triskedekaphobia-Fear of the number 13

Who knew these fears even existed?
Thanks for reading.


La Vie said...

funny wei!! baby was was scary!

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