Thursday, January 15, 2009

I got shot.

I meant it in a different way.
I didn't get injured or DIE!
If I was dead, I wouldn't be writing this post right?
Anyway, let me clarify the title of this post.
Today we got our shots. (Injections)
I don't even know what kind of medicine went into me.
I forgot. Haha.
Anyway my class got our shots right before recess.
I was the third person .
I felt something, I thought they were having a test round before injecting me for real.
Turns out, it was the real thing.
Then I thought, this is a piece of cake.
I didn't know what was in store for me.
I went back to class relaxed.
I remember trying to grab something.
Suddenly I felt like someone was grabbing my arm.
Nobody there.
Oh man, after effects.
They said this was gonna happen.
My left arm was NUMB!
Not pain at all...
Just numb.
Soon after that, my foot!
How did that happen?
From my arm to my foot.
Yet possible.
While I am writing this post, my fingers are numb.
Why you ask?
Don't ask me, ask the vaccine.
Very interesting experience.
To tell you the truth, I enjoyed it!
Something interesting finally happened.
Something interesting to blog about.
And it seems that the numbness lasts for 3 days to 1 week.
Don't worry, I will be fine.
To all my other friends who got injected, good luck to a week of feeling numb.


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