Sunday, January 25, 2009

Scenes in a cinema.

Yesterday night, I watched four Christmases.
The reason I'm telling you this is because there is more to a cinema than just buying a ticket, going in, and coming out again.
Lets take a look behind the scenes in an ordinary day in the cinema.
As soon as I bought the ticket, I went to get a drink.
I thought I was on schedule.
As soon as I entered cinema 6, it seemed that the movie had already started.
Oh joy....
I told myself it was not a problem.
Maybe I just missed about 3 or 4 minutes.
I took my seat.
There was a light illuminating the entire cinema and it was right next to me.
OWWWW.. My eyeballs hurt!!!
Soon after, I guess someone felt the same, so they went to complain.
Thank goodness. The light was off!
Now I can finally enjoy the movie.
My problems were just about to start.
As I was finally ecstatic that there wasn't any bright light burning my eyes and leading me to an early death, I heard something.
Someone in the cinema had a bracelet or necklace with bells on it.
Every time she turned or laughed, you could hear a ring!
Ring, ring, ring!
The sound of the bell nonstop!
If you thought that was the end of it, you're wrong.
Right in front of me, a lady was criticising the movie a lot.
And I mean a LOT.
She kept saying things like.
EH, why that fella doing this, and why that fella doing that!
Practically throughout the entire movie she was complaining!
Haha. But to me it was super hilarious.
The next scene.
There was this fella to my left.
His handphone was ringing.
Everyone in the cinema heard.
Trying not to be rude, he picked up his phone.
That fella talk so loud man.
Already just now my eyes burned!
And now I had a serious blow to my left ear.
Its a good thing nothing else happened.
Otherwise I would have left the cinema.(Just kidding, I'll never waste the money I spent on that ticket!)
Anyway, there is more to a movie than just watching it.
This post proves that many things happen in a cinema than just watching a movie.
Am I right?
Anyway, I hope the next movie I get to watch is Underworld 3: Rise of the Lycans!
Nobody wants to go with me!
Tsk tsk..
Haha its ok.
Btw, thanks for reading and have a good day!


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