Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Red and something something.

Remember the Twilight season?
Almost everywhere we looked there would be a copy of Stephenie Meyers, Twilight.
It then progressed to the Rubik's season.
Everywhere we looked, there would be someone twisting and turning a colourful cube.
Guilty as charged, I was one of those fanatics.
Everyone either had the 3x3 cube or the 2x2 cube.
Change, progress, has occurred.
From 9 pieces a side to 16 pieces a side.
Rubik's Revenge 4x4!
Sadly, I'm still trying to figure it out due to lack of time.
(Homework, sports, the same excuses all of us always come up with)


DC said...

if I had internet earlier,
I wud hv said tat I started d rubiks fever!!XD

DC said...

oops..if u x noe me
im diane!!haha

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