Friday, November 28, 2008

Building on fire Episode 2.

Another near death experience.
Dear readers, please refer to my previous post 'Building on Fire'.
If you have read it, then read this.
So as usual I was spending the day cooped up in my room.
Doing what?
Erm I'm sure you know the answer to that.(nothing)
Anyway I heard a sound similar to this.
I had no idea what it was because I was in my house in Johor.
I haven't been there for a long time.
You cant blame me for not knowing what it was right?
Back to the story.
I took a peek outside.
See this.

Smokey.Please don't tell me this time my own building is on fire!

Got closer to my house.

Okay here is the part everyone was looking forward to. What really happened .Sadly there was no damage.(Any damage would have been great) Idiocracy, stupidity and any other words a person uses to describe the carelessness of this situation. That evening was fogging day! great...The almighty fog which was suppose to get rid of mosquitoes and insects almost gave me a second stroke! (After the building in my previous blog post was so called on fire) Next time please give warning. Hopefully it does not happen again. Otherwise, there will be a third stroke.


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