Friday, November 28, 2008

The Chronicles of a devil/angle.

This blog post is mainly about my cousin.
My four year old cousin.
Let me tell you about him.

Name, Nevin.
Was born to cause doom and destruction 4 years ago.
Lethal when he is asleep and awake.
May kick or punch anyone in his way mainly when asleep.
Times when he is not lethal-NEVER.
Favourites-Spiderman, Superman and anything with a man behind a word.
Secret favourites-Enjoys wearing girl slippers and sticking unicorn pictures on his own face.
Do not give him the following foods, if you do he would continuously nag you.
If you still do not follow his demands, you would never see the light of day ever again.
*Kaya Balls
*Fish Shaped Crackers

Afraid of:
*Hot drinks
*Cold Drinks
*Every animal known to man except cats. (Please don't ask me why. I really don't know)

Hobbies-Anything that causes pain towards others.
Has a soft spot for-Other babies and soft toys.
But what I'm really surprised about is his love for books!
Who knew a destroyer liked reading.
Anyway he is a very bright kid.
Although he loves making noise.
We cant blame him! He is only four.


sevensetia said...

teach him the alphabet, let him discover letters.

then he will be occupied reading (on his own), not "destruction"

La Vie said...

u forgot to talk bout his nose? its his specialty ya know..

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